Some Facts Related to Microprocessor 8085
- The first microprocessor was invented by Intel Corporation in 1971.
2. It was backward binary compatible with the more-famous Intel 8080 (only adding a few minor instructions) but required less supporting hardware, thus allowing simple and less expensive microcomputer systems to be built.
- The “5” in the model number came from the fact that the 8085 requires only a + 5 Volt (V) power supply by using depletion mode transistors, rather than requiring the + 5V-5V and+12 V supplies the 8080 needed.
- This is similar to the competing Z 80 (also 8080-derived) introduced the year before. These processors were sometimes used in computers running the CP/M operating system.
- It functions as a central processing unit of the microcomputer.
- It performs all arithmetic, logical, data transfer, and decision-making operations.
- It is a program-controlled device, and without software, microcomputer is a dead machine.
- The microprocessor is a synchronous sequential circuit. It requires a clock signal hence, the speed of the microprocessor is also dependent upon the clock frequency.